5 Signs You Need to See a Hip Doctor

Hip Specialist Reviewing Imagery



Have you ever experienced sudden hip pain that had you reaching to your side? Or maybe you have that slight aching sensation that never seems to go away. Whatever your hip pain is like, there’s a good chance that you need to see a hip doctor that specializes in these sorts of conditions. We asked our favorite hip specialists in Nashville, TN this very question – when is it time for you to see a hip surgeon?


1. Your Hip Pain Is Limiting Your Everyday Life

I want you to take a moment and think about your favorite activities on a given day - walking the dog, taking the kids to the playground, playing sports. If those daily activities have become limited, or worse, impossible, that is a telltale sign that you need to visit a hip doctor.


2. Other Body Parts Are Deteriorating

If you notice that other joints are beginning to take a toll as they overcompensate for a weakened hip, you may need to schedule that appointment. Knee pain, leg pain, back pain, and other ailments are all examples of conditions that may arise from untreated hip pain.


3. You’ve Become Unhappy

If your hip pain is causing wear-and-tear on your mental state, you need to stop what you’re doing and see a hip specialist immediately. Physical and mental health tend to go hand-in-hand, so it’s very possible that the longer you let your hip pain simmer, the worse your mental health becomes.


4. You have Difficulty Sleeping or Getting out of Bed

If you are experiencing difficulties in the bedroom – no, not that kind – due to hip pain, you’ll want to address it before it affects other aspects of your life.


5. Other Treatment Methods Aren’t Working

You may have read online about some hip exercise that should help. While it’s possible that may be the case in some situations, if you tried those exercises out with no success, you may have a condition that requires more attention.


Diagnosing Your Hip Pain

If you do decide that seeing a hip surgeon is the right course of action, your doctor may start you off trying to gather a little more information. They may ask you about your medical history, genetics, activity and fitness levels, and possibly just try to get to know you as a person.

They may set you up for some imaging work such as an x-ray or MRI. This will help your hip doctor gain insight into what that hip really looks like


Treating Your Hip Pain

Once the orthopedic specialist is able to diagnose the cause of your hip pain, they can develop a treatment plan specific to your needs. In some situations simple rest will alleviate your pain naturally over time. In other situations, your doctor may prescribe medication or physical therapy to aid your recovery. In more severe cases, your doctor could recommend surgery.


Book an Appointment with a Hip Specialist

If you are experiencing one or more of these 5 signs that you need to see a hip surgeon, you can schedule an appointment with one of our fellowship-trained orthopedic hip specialists in Nashville, TN and Franklin, TN.

Nick Flory Nick is the Marketing Manager for Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics. He has been writing and reviewing medical content since 2018. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholasflory/

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