Rotator Cuff Tear

Rotator Cuff Tear Prevention Tips

If you are an athlete who uses your shoulder often, or you are recovering from a rotator cuff tear, it is important to focus on preventing a tear from forming or re-occuring. The best way to prevent rotator cuff injuries is to keep the rotator cuff muscles strong and flexible. It is important to do [...]

Will a Torn Rotator Cuff Heal on its Own?

In most cases, a torn rotator cuff cannot heal itself. The rare exception would be very minor tears. However, if you already have minor tears in your rotator cuff, you're more likely to experience a major tear later. Even if you can "live with the pain," you deserve to know what's happening with your body. [...]

How do I Know if I Have a Rotator Cuff Tear?

An acute rotator cuff tears typically causes a sudden, severe shoulder pain. You may also experience something like a snapping sensation and immediate arm weakness. A degenerative rotator cuff tear also causes shoulder pain and arm weakness, but these symptoms may start mild and only bother you during specific movements. Over time, you may notice the [...]

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