Knee Pain

What Type of Surgery Might I Need for Knee Pain?

If you have an injury like a torn meniscus, you might need meniscal repair surgery to help this piece of cartilage in your knee to heal. Repairing a torn cruciate or collateral ligament typically involves reattaching the severed ends of the ligament using a graft – a piece of tendon from another part of your [...]

June 4th, 2024||

How is Knee Pain Treated?

Before developing an appropriate treatment plan, your knee doctor needs to confirm the diagnosis. They combine extensive expertise with cutting-edge onsite diagnostic imaging technology. Your personalized treatment program could include: A knee brace or boot Anti-inflammatory medication Occupational or physical therapy Cortisone injections Viscosupplementation injections Regenerative medicine Radiofrequency ablation The majority of patients experiencing knee pain [...]

June 4th, 2024||

How Can I Prevent Knee Pain? 

There are several factors that can contribute to knee pain. You can lower your risk factor by: Maintaining a healthy weight: Excess weight adds more strain on your joints and increases the chances of osteoarthritis.  Increasing your strength and flexibility: Stretching before playing a sport or exercising helps warm up your muscles, increases your flexibility, and decreases [...]

June 4th, 2024||

How Are Knee Issues Diagnosed?

If you are experiencing knee pain, our team of orthopedic specialists will take the time to perform a thorough physical exam, review your symptoms, and ask about your medical history.  Here at Elite Sports Medicine + Orthopedics, we use both X-rays and MRI imaging to get a closer look at your bones and soft tissues. Specifically, X-rays [...]

June 4th, 2024||

What Kind of Doctor Treats Knee Pain? 

An orthopedic knee pain specialist will be able to offer a treatment plan for your knee pain. These doctors have specialized knowledge and training specifically in the musculoskeletal system, which includes the knees. Whether you are experiencing acute or chronic pain, these specialists are equipped to diagnose any issues and devise a treatment plan to [...]

June 4th, 2024||

Should I Visit a Knee Pain Specialist? 

While knee pain can sometimes go away on its own, especially if it's due to overuse, there are several situations when you'd want to visit a knee pain specialist. If your knee pain has been interfering with your daily life or is getting worse, a knee pain specialist can help you determine what's going on and [...]

June 4th, 2024||

Can Hip Problems Cause Knee Pain?

Certain hip conditions like hip arthritis can actually cause knee pain. If you are experiencing hip and knee pain, the cause may stem from your hip. In this case you should seek help from a knee pain specialist. 

June 4th, 2024||

What Causes Knee Pain?

Whether you are lifting a heavy package you ordered or engaging in a high-impact activity like running, your knees can undergo a lot of stress from your everyday actions and activities. Because your knee is such an important joint, any discomfort and pain are likely to impact your life.  Sudden knee pain is likely to [...]

June 4th, 2024||
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